Login screen

AnnualLeave.com is an Internet based service. To access it open your favourite browser and navigate to: https://annualleave.com/#/login

All users using this system has an individual account, which holds all of their annual leave requests and entitlements. In order to access this, you have been provided with an email address and a password. This has most likely been sent to you in an email from “requests@annualleave.com”. All the emails from the system will come from “requests@annualleave.com”. If you use anti-spam software, please add this address to your safe list.


How to Log on

Simply enter your email address and password into the appropriate boxes, and then click “Sign In”.

Forgotten your password?

No problem. Simply click on the “Forgot Password?” link on the log in page. You will be prompted to enter your email address and then click “Reset Password”. Your password will then be sent to your email address.

Forgotten your email address?

No problem. Contact your HR department and they will send you your log in details again.

Can’t log in?

If you have retrieved your password and still can’t log in, please contact your HR department