Go to the dashboard and then Company > Locations. Each company has one or more location. You can add as many as you like or edit and remove locations from the list.

Manage locations

Create New Location

  1. Select ‘Add new location’
  2. Enter a code for the new location.
  3. Select a Country from the menu. The holiday or non-working day schedule will populate as will any mandated additional company days for that Country.
  4. Choose the minimum percentage cover.
  5. Save changes
  6. The location is added to the list.

Add location


Edit Location

To edit an existing location: Select the existing location from the list by selecting the edit button.

There are four pages:

Basic Details Edit the company location, code, country & employee coverage required
Non-working days Edit non-working days, specific to that location
Employees Edit employees details
Exception periods Edit exception periods

Edit Location


Remove Location

  1. Go to ‘Locations’.
  2. Select the remove button.
  3. Delete when prompted.